Combining touch screens with Flexi-deck can produce a very slick and natural interface to control application workflow, especially in environments where touch works much better than trackpads, keyboards or mice, such as studios or live environments.


Large touch screen monitors can be either used on the main primary monitor, showing the desktop and applications, or, along with the explosion of portable USB-C touch monitors, used as a dedicated control surface to interact with Flexi-deck menus and other control software and any other combination in between!


MacOS does not have native support for touch screens but it does have ‘multi-touch’ gesture support using trackpads and magic mice. To overcome this ‘problem’ some modern multi-touch touch screen monitors operate as a ‘single touch mouse emulator’, others stay in multi-touch mode and need Touch-Base’s macOS touch monitor to function. In all cases, the Touch-Base touch software can support any modern HID PnP multi-touch monitor in macOS with complete multi-touch gesture support.
You can download the touch software here and/or purchase a license key here.


The Flexi-deck concept of creating application macro sets to be invoked via Flexi-deck menus caters for the development of different menu sets to use as suits. This allows for totally different menu layouts, some utilising multiple layers to minimise desktop usage versus layouts specifically designed for dedicated monitor usage, typically with touch capabilities. Utilising touch screens also allow you to experience some unique features implemented in the touch screen software, such as multi-touch gestures/actions and Smart Magnifier for instant localised magnification and more accurate control of knobs, buttons and sliders used within DAW systems. The touch screen software is Flexi-deck aware and touch gestures can be configured to load Flexi-deck menus or directly invoke Flexi-deck macros. All these features combine to make a truly remarkable touch experience! A number of the libraries available on this site have been designed with dedicated touch screens in mind, such as Logic Pro Touch / Plus and Plugin launcher touch versions.


This video offers a small introduction to the pleasure of using touch with Flexi-deck ‘touch’ menus