This store contains a complete list of the Flexi-deck software and libraries. If you have created a professional Flexi-deck library or library extension that you would like to make available on the store please get in touch via the contact form
Audio Region Clip Gain Editor with Region Fade In / Fade Out & Crossfade Module.
Positive and Negative Gain Change from .1db to 10db - (.1db, .5db, 1db, 3db, 5db, 10db)
Tab to Transient (Previous & Next)
Region Select (Previous & Next)
Split Region at Locator Position.
Auto Crossfade (User Defined in Logic Pro)
Undo & Redo Buttons.
System Requirements Compatible with macOS 10.14 and above. Apple Logic Pro 10.6 or later. Supports the following Logic Pro Languages: English Logic Key Commands Preset - U.S.
Select Multiple Tracks to be panned Left and Right from the top row of buttons.. Available values are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 & 24
Select a Pan value from the bottom row of buttons. Available values are 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 & 64
System Requirements Compatible with macOS 10.14 and above. Apple Logic Pro 10.6 or later. Supports the following Logic Pro Languages: English Logic Key Commands Preset - U.S.
For Film Composers, Mix Engineers and Musicians. With the capability to bounce up to 48 tracks, auxes, buses, and VCAs - including any bus effects. In just one click, you can take your audio production to the next level and maximize your capabilities. This convenient feature allows you to easily combine and consolidate all of your audio elements into Stems, making it easier to manage your project. Arrange your Stem Master Tracks vertically next to each other. In The Bounce Window, set your destination folder, file type and locator positions. Return to the arrange window and select the first of the Stem Masters and choose the amount of Bounces required from the Menu. The Stem Masters’ Logic Track Name will be given to the resulting File Name.
System Requirements Compatible with macOS 10.14 and above. Apple Logic Pro 10.6 or later. Supports the following Logic Pro Languages: English Logic Key Commands Preset - U.S.
Relieve the stress of Synthesiser tweaking and Audio Editing. Enhance and enlarge the detail of your Plugins GUI without having to re-size the window. Plus and Minus buttons are available to intensify your choice of Rectangular or Circular view.
System Requirements Compatible with macOS 10.14 and above.